Home-brewed Theremins ... and other strange devices

Dies ist eine nicht-kommerzielle Webseite, die allen Theremin-Enthusiasten gewidmet ist. Alle Informationen werden kostenlos und nur für den nicht-kommerziellen Gebrauch zur Verfügung gestellt.

This is a non-commercial web page, dedicated to all Theremin enthusiast. All information is provided free of charge and for non-commercial use only.

Da die vorgestellten und diskutierten Themen von allgemeinem Interesse sind und für die Mehrheit der Menschen zugänglich sein sollen, versuche ich in englischer Sprache zu schreiben, auch wenn ich in Deutschland beheimatet bin. Sie können mich auf Deutsch und Englisch z.B. bei Fragen oder Vorschlägen kontaktieren.

Even when based in Germany, I try to write using English language, because the issues presented and discussed are of general interest and shall be accessible for the majority of people. You can contact me in German and English, e.g. if you have any questions or suggestions.

Hinweis: Schaltungen und Verfahren werden ohne Rücksicht auf bestehende Patente mitgeteilt. Sie sind ausschließlich für Lehr- und Experimentierzwecke bestimmt und dürfen nicht gewerblich verwertet werden.

Note: The circuits and techniques are imparted without regarding existing patents. The presented issues are exclusively intended to be used for teaching- and experimentation purposes and must not be commercialized.

Aktuelles / Updates


Questions and Answers (Q & A)

Added question 19. and 20.
(sound engine of instruments designed by Leon Theremin)

Theremin Instruments - Questions and Answers (Q & A)


General updates



EW Standard Theremin Modifications

Re-upload of video due to missing introduction-picture


Re-established various video links due to changes by provider


Claravox Centennial (CV-C) Theremin Review & Improvement

Issue #22: schematic and description of VREB V2 and VREB V3 corrected (connection of TP1)


Claravox Centennial (CV-C) Theremin Review & Improvement

Claravox Theremin PCB Fixture pictures added, issue #22 CVC VREB V2 / V3 volume-extension board descriptions added, response-curves of the CVC VREB boards added, additional explanations added to issue #9


Claravox Centennial (CV-C) Theremin Review & Improvement

Claravox App and General Functions / 22. Issue: Added additional descriptions of VCA volume-control and of ‘TRADITIONAL’ mode digital (RF) mixer


Claravox Centennial (CV-C) Theremin Review & Improvement

Added issue #22 'Volume cannot reach mute level', corresponding to issue #9 'Volume Response', already discussed in 2021

EW Standard Theremin Modifications

Minor corrections


Claravox Centennial (CV-C) Theremin Review & Improvement

'Claravox App and General Functions of the CV-C Theremin' added. Issues #16 to #21 added, including solutions


Aktuelles / Updates

Aktuelles / Updates modified due to malfunction


Theremin 'Termenvox' ('ТЕРМЕНВОКС')

Noval-Theremin schematic draft approach added


Theremin Instrumente / Instruments

Theremin instruments list updated


Theremin 'Termenvox' ('ТЕРМЕНВОКС')

Discussion of Theremin building instruction 'S. Zorin: Termenvox - Modelist Konstruktor No. 4 1981, p. 23-25' added


Rockmorizer Theremins

RT-SILICON-X Theremin:
soundfiles added description added



Etherwave Standard & Plus (EWS & EW+) Theremin Modifications

Minor corrections and clarifications


Rockmorizer Theremins

M35 amplifier schematic corrected and updated to revision 1.0, additional descriptions and specifications added


Etherwave Standard & Plus (EWS & EW+) Theremin Modifications

Minor corrections of EW-MOD schematics, new revisions


Rockmorizer Theremins

M35 amplifier schematic updated to revision 0.2, additional descriptions and specifications added.


RT-6SH2P Theremin 06-2020 schematic updated to revision 0.2


Geschichte  - Foto & Film / History - Photo & Film

Geschichte / History: 'Old Frankfurt am Main' - Views before and shortly after World War II (1938 / 1945) added



CVC-Theremin Cable-Fixing (CVC-CF) CAD files added


Claravox Centennial (CV-C) Theremin Review & Improvement

Reworked antenna pictures and descriptions added (#00021)




Rockmorizer-Theremin Coil-Bobbin-Holder Assemblies:
Downloadable .ZIP folders added, containing CAD files in .STP (.STEP) and .STL format


General Updates


Literatur / Literature

Book pictures added


EW Standard Theremin Modifications

Indicated voltage regulator type 78L05/79L05 has been corrected to 78L12/79L12 in Schematic revision 0.2 (2022-01-05) of ‘EW-MOD_SCH01_0v2’



'General Functionality of the Rockmore- and Rosen Tube Theremin Instruments...' Design' this paper is now also available in German



General Updates


General Updates


Claravox Centennial (CV-C) Theremin Review & Improvement

15. Main PCB deformed Issue added


9. Volume Issue edited according to findings, CVC-T VREB-10-2021 added


Realton 'Variophon Standard'

Various pictures of instrument parts and schematic drafts added


Claravox Centennial (CV-C) Theremin Review & Improvement

14. Squeak Noises edited according to findings


9. Volume Issue edited according to findings

11. Slack Cabling

12. Volume Difference MODERN/

13. Switch-Off Pop Noise

14. Squeak Noises issues added


Claravox Centennial (CV-C) Theremin Review & Improvement

Issues, Flaws and Improvements of the Moog Claravox Centennial Theremin added

Isues,  Flaws and Improvements of the Moog Claravox Stand added


EW Standard Theremin Modifications

Chapter 6.3 ‘EW-REB 08-2021 Extension Board' added


Table of Contents added


Chapter 5.8‘EW-REB 01-2021 Volume Response’ added, containing measurement diagrams of the proposed EW-S/+ Theremin extension-board


Theremin Hand to Antenna Distance Indicator Device (THADID) pictures / link and sound file added

11-07-2020 Theremin Bau-Hinweise / Construction Advice:

Theremin Hand to Antenna Distance Indicator Device (THADID) description added

10-07-2021 Theremin Functionality:
Minor changes and corrections of 'General Functionality of the Rockmore- and Rosen- Tube Theremin Instruments according to Leon Theremin’s Design'

06-07-2021 EW Standard Theremin Modifications:

General corrections

03-07-2021 EW Standard Theremin Modifications:

Additional Pitch Linearity Measurements (EW-REB 06-2021) added

23-06-2021 EW Standard Theremin Modifications:

Pitch linearity improvement  (EW-REB 06-2021) diagrams optimized

20-06-2021 EW Standard Theremin Modifications:

General corrections

EW-REB 06-2021 extension board introduction, including new phase-compensation circuit and pitch linearity improvement circuit proposal

General corrections

04-03-2021 EW Standard Theremin Modifications:

EW-REB 01-2021 extension board revision 0.2 description R101 value corrected,

24-02-2021 EW Standard Theremin Modifications:

Diagrams of the volume dependent pitch duty-cycle and pulse-ratio characteristics of the EW S/+ with attached EW-REB 01-2021 extension board revision 0.2 added. Schematics of EW-REB 01-2021 extension board corrected (Rev. 0.2).

07-02-2021 EW Standard Theremin Modifications:

Diagrams of the pitch dependent duty-cycle and pulse-ratio characteristics of the EW S/+ with attached EW-REB 01-2021 extension board added.

31-01-2021 Sonstiges / Miscellaneous:

Miscellaneous development of a Masken-Andruckbügel / Mask Pressure-Stirrup added.

17-01-2021 EW Standard Theremin Modifications: 
Improved 'EW Standard and EW+ Theremin Modification 01-2021 (EW-REB 01-2021)'
chapter added.

29-12-2020 EW Standard Theremin Modifications: 
Improved 'EW Standard and EW+ Theremin Modification 12-2020 (EW-REB 12-2020)'
chapter added.

29-12-2020 Messungen / Measurements: 
Audio pulse measurments of the improved 'EW Standard and EW+ Theremin Modification 12-2020 (EW-REB 12-2020)'

15-11-2020 Theremin Bau-Hinweise / Construction Advice:

Theremin Coil Construction:
Pictures of Theremin antenna extension (linearization) coils and self-capacitance (lumped / distributed capacity) measurement of coils added
Description and pictures of 'Tiny Coil Winder' (to be used to wind low distributed capacity theremin antenna extension coils) added

Applying Line-Transformers as Theremin Interstage Transformers and AF-Chokes:Frequency-/phase response diagrams of vintage interstage-transformers added

Essential Measurement Equipment for Theremin Construction:
Slight additions

09-11-2020 Theremin Geschichte / History:
Minor changes (typos corrected)

09-11-2020 Theremin Bau-Hinweise / Construction Advice:
Pictures of oscillator coils and ferrite rods added, typos corrected

08-11-2020 Theremin Bau-Hinweise / Construction Advice:
Theremin Bau-Hinweise / Construction Advice page added

06-11-2020 Videos:
Videos page updated (Theremin Construction / Test Videos & Vintage Devices Collection Videos), descriptions added

04-11-2020 Theremin Functionality:
Minor changes (typos corrected)

04-11-2020 Questions and Answers:
Minor changes (e-mail reference)

 02-11-2020 Videos:
Russian Miniature-Tube Theremin Test (2015) video quality updated

31-10-2020 Videos:
Etherwave Standard Theremin simplest ever ‘Lower-Register’ (bass range extension) modification and 'Rockmore-Sound' Modification Test videos corrected in terms of picture / sound synchronicity and preview picture

31-10-2020 EW Standard Theremin Modifications:
Etherwave Standard Theremin simplest ever ‘Lower-Register’ (bass range extension) modification and 'Rockmore-Sound' Modification videos corrected in terms of picture / sound synchronicity and preview picture

28-10-2020 EW Standard Theremin Modifications: 
Minor corrections and additions of the Etherwave Standard (EWS) Theremin modification descriptions

General corrections

26-10-2020 Theremin Functionality:
Minor changes of 'General Functionality of the Rockmore- and Rosen- Tube Theremin Instruments according to Leon Theremin’s Design'

25-10-2020 Questions and Answers:
Minor modifications of Q & A

25-10-2020 Rockmorizer Theremins: 
RT-6SH2P-X Tube Theremin circuit descriptions modified

18-10-2020 Videos:
Videos updated of FRANZIS Theremin Kit Modification and RT-6SH2P-X Tube Theremin

18-10-2020 Rockmorizer Theremins: 
RT-6SH2P-X Tube Theremin added
FRANZIS Theremin Kit Modification Test Video added

16-09-2020 Rockmorizer Theremins: 
FRANZIS Theremin Kit Modification added

15-09-2020 EX1hi HI8 Camcorder Instandsetzung / Restoration:
Canon EX1hi HI8 Camcorder Restoration Project added

09-09-2020 Questions and Answers:
13. ‘Antenna extension coils’ modified, 14./15. ‘Radiated energy’ added, 16. electromagnetic field’ added

09-09-2020 Functionality: General Functionality of the Rockmore- and Rosen Tube Theremin Instruments according to Leon Theremin’s Design - Sound Anaysis:
Intermediate frequency (IF) descriptions and according literature added

03-09-2020 Intention:
Radio collector 'WDR Lokalzeit Suedwestfalen 3.3.1997' video added

25-08-2020 Sammlung / Collection:
Radiostat-Heilgeraet video added 

25-08-2020  Rockmorizer Theremins: 
Sound spectrum hamonics numbering corrected

25-08-2020 Functionality: General Functionality of the Rockmore- and Rosen Tube Theremin Instruments according to Leon Theremin’s Design - Sound Anaysis
Sound spectrum hamonics numbering corrected

19-08-2020 Literature: 
Literature listing expanded, preface added

19-08-2020 Questions and Answers: 
Theremin Instruments - Questions and Answers added

10-08-2020 EW Standard Theremin Modifications: 
Sound spectrum discussion of the  RS-Mod. EWS Theremin added

10-08-2020  Rockmorizer Theremins: 
Sound spectrum discussion of the  RT-6SH2P / 6ж2п Tube Theremin added

10-08-2020 Functionality: General Functionality of the Rockmore- and Rosen Tube Theremin Instruments according to Leon Theremin’s Design - Sound Anaysis
d description of volume dependent sound spectrum and discussion of RCA Theremin timbre. Literature listing expanded accordingly.

01-08-2020 Functionality: General Functionality of the Rockmore- and Rosen Instruments according to Leon Theremin’s Design - Sound Anaysis
d sound spectrum pictures of the Theremin instrument of C. Rockmore and additional descriptions

01-08-2020 EW Standard Theremin Modifications: 
d note regarding the work of L.D. Korolyov (Л. Д. Королёв). Literature listing expanded accordingly.

26-07-2020 Videos:
Videos updated

26-07-2020 Theremin Instrumente / Instruments:
Kosmos-Rockmorizer-XN Theremin pictures addeded

26-07-2020 Sammlung / Collection:
Gloecklen-Heilgeraet pictures addeded
Helios-Heilgeraet pictures addeded
Radiostat-Heilgeraet pictures addeded

26-07-2020 Realton 'Variophon Standard':
Variophon Standard Descriptions and pictures addeded

25-07-2020 Tektronix Type 576 Curve-Tracer:
TEK576 photos added/changed

General corrections

18-07-2020  EW Standard Theremin Modifications: 
Minor changes, Etherwave Standard Theremin simplest ever ‘Lower-Register’ Modification video added

27-06-2020  Videos: 
RT-6SH2P / 6ж2п Tube Theremin video added

19-07-2020 Tektronix Type 576 Curve-Tracer:
TEK576 photos added

27-06-2020  Rockmorizer Theremins: 
The RT-6SH2P / 6ж2п Tube Theremin added
The M35-AMP added
The Rockmorizer Silicon 2017 Theremin added

17-06-2020  Functionality - General Functionality of the Rockmore- and Rosen Instruments according to Leon Theremin’s Design:
Schematics of the Rockmore and Rosen instruments added

21-05-2020  EW-Theremin Modifications: 
Etherwave Theremin simplest ever ‘Lower-Register’ Modification added

(Claravox is a trademark of  Moog Music, Inc.)
